This week from podcast land . . .

At the end of the year, it's natural to reflect on what went really well, and what didn't work so well and it's a great time to take a step back and examine what you want to continue doing because it's working really well and what you'd like to work on more. An important part of that process is:

Creating a context for your improvement: running can be really black and white in terms of outcomes, but not all improvements can be measured in a time or a PB
Understanding that sometimes you don't need to change anything, you just need to keep going
Creating a balance between developing work capacity and specific training
How to zone in on things that might be blocking your progress: like over-training or under-recovering

Coming Up . . .

Do you want 2020 to be the year you learn to run, our program starts on the 6th January and you can register here. Up until the 15th December you can also get 25% off with the code early. Don't miss out!


Support the podcast, so we can make more and get access to bonus episodes!

You can support Operation Move and the podcast on Patreon. I am so grateful for your support! This week, the bonus episode is a deep dive into creating better sleep habits for better recovery. I talk about things like: are you better off getting as much sleep, or following a consistent schedule? Should you take that nap? How do you set up routines to put yourself on auto-pilot? Is some sleep more valuable than other sleep? And is being a night owl a real thing? 

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