As we have started teaching "Conflict Transformation Skills" at Middlebury, we have been fortunate to have a leading global mediator as a guest speaker and teacher.

Francisco Diez is senior mediation advisor at the United Nations (UN). He has contributed to the UN’s efforts to foster dialogue and reconciliation in Bolivia, and provided expert advice on conflict prevention and preventive diplomacy in Ecuador, El Salvador, Honduras and Venezuela. From 2014 onwards he worked with the Kroc Institute to set up the Colombia Peace Accord Matrix to monitor and support the implementation of the peace agreement between the Colombian Government and the FARC, and assisted dialogue processes in Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, Nicaragua, and Mexico. 

This episode starts with introductions from Julian Portilla, mediator and co-instructor of the CT Skills class, and Caroline Harding, CT Collaborative intern. Diez gave this talk remotely in 2023, and we were lucky to have him back in January 2024 to lead trainings for students. 

For more on Francisco Diez, see:

For a video recording of this talk, see our video library: