This is the podcast of  “Opened Dawes” Live, which runs weekly as a live video show on YouTube, Facebook, and LinkedIn at 11 am on Tuesday mornings so that we can throw open the doors and welcome you in for a relaxed sharing of information, tips, thoughts, and answering any questions about public speaking and presentation/communication skills you may have.

So, make sure you set the reminders for the shows on Facebook or YouTube (links below) as they are scheduled online and get involved.  The stream is designed to be interactive, with comments/questions able to be shown and attributed on screen.

This week’s show delves into the effect of changing our mentality from dictating our information/message to others, to sharing our knowledge, experiences, and skills for people to choose whether to absorb and grow from.

We all grew from hearing others at some point in our lives (and still do), and we have probably all switched off when someone dictated their information and spoke AT us.  But not only does it influence how your audience receives your information, but also on how you feel about presenting it.  Relieve the pressure on yourself by just sharing your knowledge and information as an option for them and feel the difference when you realise that they are there to hear this, not to judge you! 

This show can be watched live (and previous shows recorded) from the following locations:

YouTube: (or search YouTube for Open Dawes Training and click subscribe to be notified)

Thanks to: