I've seen it happen way too many times in way too many women's lives as they get older. They become defensive. They become very strong on the outside thinking that that is going to defend them on the inside.

And the result is that they just come across as being domineering, controlling, angry, but really what's happening is that they're scared on the inside and so they have to put on this strong front.

Now that's why I call this S.O.F.T. And Strong because the 'S' in the S.O.F.T. stands for being Strong on the inside. So you could be S.O.F.T. On the outside. 

Now where we've been and what has happened to us in life always contributes to how we see ourselves. And by the time you reach this point in your life - at 50 and beyond - much of that is set. 

How do you stay happy even though you're getting older? Love your life at 60? Enjoy yourself at 75?

The secrets lie in this podcast. Short. Sweet. To the point. Come on in and let's find that Sweet Life together!

Download here:  FREE e-Book:  How To Find Your Passionately Personal Midlife Mission

Hey Beautiful Warrior! Midlife can steal your firm thighs AND your sense of certainty in who you are as a woman. But what if Midlife were a Calling to come back to your heart? To redefining who you are and what your life's purpose is.

Change your future forever with 3 EASY QUESTIONS! "How to Write Your Passionately Personal Midlife Mission Statement".