This is about the day my boob went rouge. Yes. Seriously. One of those humiliating moments in life that you either transform into a traumatic event or make into a funny story.

Sometimes one of the many 'parts' of us end up being something we don't enjoy very much. More like we 'put up' with it because we haven't much choice.

Body parts may fall into this category or... roles we have to play may also not be on our most popular list. 

Aging Beautifully means that we learn to love it all. Find that point of pride in who we are and actually embrace ourselves. Like a hug.

Like feeling proud to be who we are because we're proud of how we accept who we are.

This podcast picks up from Episode 4 where we were led to view ourselves as a beautiful diamond. Describing that diamond in all her strengths and magic.

Diamonds have many facets, everyone unique and sparkling. Those are the sides we need to learn to explore and come to love.

When you find that kind of respect for who you are, you will feel yourself falling into a Sweet Life.  And that's the goal, isn't it? 

After all, Aging Beautifully from the inside out is all about loving all the parts of who you are.

Download here:  FREE e-Book:  How To Find Your Passionately Personal Midlife Mission

Hey Beautiful Warrior! Midlife can steal your firm thighs AND your sense of certainty in who you are as a woman. But what if Midlife were a Calling to come back to your heart? To redefining who you are and what your life's purpose is.

Change your future forever with 3 EASY QUESTIONS! "How to Write Your Passionately Personal Midlife Mission Statement".