Are you Brave Enough to embrace the cellulite? Did you know that women start worrying about aging in their 30's? If you live into your 90's, that's a LONG TIME to deal with the signs of a body naturally doing its thing.

But you can become one of the Brave ones. A member of the Secret Inner Hero Society who stand tall and wear a sparkly crown because YOU areI

Growing older is not for faint of heart - but transforming yourself from being "faint" to being bold and beautiful is not a difficult process either.

In this podcast, I show you how ONE WORD can be the light that leads you through any darkness and how finding that word and growing into it in 3 ways will totally change how you see yourself.

These few minutes will give you an entirely new way to live the next 25 or so year focusing on the adventure, the laughter and the LOVE that will give you the joy of living the rest of your life.

Follow me on Instagram for kinds of support to this podcast.

Visit for my blog AND to discover more about The Secret Inner Hero Society.

Bernice McDonald is a Mindset Coach who  helps women beyond 50 seeing their dreams disappearing off into the distance as they age. She supports them as they step into their purpose, find the courage to make bold decisions and grow to fully love this next phase.

Hey Beautiful Warrior! No matter what life throws at you...what age or stage you're in, the most important thing is to remember who you are. When you know how you see the world and how you want to be in it, you will have the courage to get through anything.

Make this YOUR time for a Life Re-Design - hit the Reset Button. Get to know yourself again so that you can move on stronger than ever. Embrace a dream. Find your joy. Love your life.
I'm here to help walk you through the process.