The last thing you want is to feel "invisible" again. As if you're not seen. You're not heard. And your opinion doesn't matter.

And, let's face it, when you've been divorced, it's most likely one of the reasons you ended up there.

But - you have worked through the hurt of it. You are rebuilding a life you're proud of.  You don't want to give up on love entirely...So how do you remain open with someone and still have your needs met?  

A beautiful, romantic, epic love can be yours. You can have it all because of this one thing.

How? Learn to "Ask".

Move into your Power Story. Smile at the world of men out of a heart of strength. 

Lift your head. Breathe. Lean back.

R.E.L.A.X. into love again.

Power PIllar #1: Your Why: You want to experience a great love. You want to confidently know that your needs are going to be met.

Power Pillar #2: The Truth Is... a great love is possible only when you: 1. Respect yourself. 2. Believe you are heard, seen and respected. That's what "Asking" will give you.

Power Pillar #3: Hope-Filled Action. 
1. Make a decision. What do you want? Start with asking your Creator who watches over you to send you a Knight. Use the words,

"I feel ____________".

"I want ___________".

2. Start using those words with everyone around you. Be OK to feel and want or don't want...

In this episode: Part 4 of the Masterclass "R.E.L.A.X. into Love" series, you are going to learn something that EMPOWERS you more than anything else - "Ask" for what you need.

The R.E.L.A.X. into Love Masterclass:

Episode 32: R  Relax
Episode 33: E  Elevate his Heart
Episode 34: L  Learn everything there is to know about you and about him
Episode 35: A Ask for your Needs to be met
Episode 36: X Excellence - Live in it always!

All the Steps on the Open To Love Again Pathway...

Step 1: Recognize your Old Story and your Power Story
Step 2: Find your S.O.F.T.
Step 3: Put your S.O.F.T. into action and R.E.L.A.X.
Step 4: Grow your Sparkle Power.

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