Part 1 in a 5 part Masterclass: How To R.E.L.A.X. and Invite Love In

The 'R' in R.E.L.A.X. is to Receive.

 Being strong on the inside begins to build up your ability to Receive.

The R.E.LA.X. Method of Loving comes from that place. It's Strength in Action helping you to put your true self out there into the world. Into relationships of every kind. Into love. 

As a woman who may be reaching toward those beyond 50 years, you know what it is to give and give and give. You may not have had to "receive" for a very long time because, well, you're good at taking care of yourself and having no one to take care of you.

But now you realize that if your are really going to Open To Love Again, you have to learn to give what a man offers. "Receiving" makes a man feel like a Hero.

How do you do that when you tend to push things away and you're not even sure how to simply accept and say "Thank you" anymore.

That's what we're talking about in this Podcast, the first part of the R.E.LA.X.  and Invite Love In Masterclass.

Our Pathway back to living with a wide open heart is:

S.O.F.T.en - 

Strong on the Insider so you can be Soft on the outsideOpen to life and to lovingFabulously FeminineTrue to Yourself.

This leads to Strength in Action: R.E.L.A.X.

ReceiveElevate the hearts of othersLearnAskXcellence (live in yours)

A strong, soft heart smiles at the world and invites others in.

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