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Do We Actually Need GMOs?


"If France was able to decrease the amount of  pesticides and herbicides and yield the same amount of crops while the USA increased herbicides and decreased pesticides but had no increase in crop yields with GMOs, then what's even the need of GMOs? Money." - Devon Dionne


On this week's episode of the Open Sky Fitness Podcast, Devon and I wanted to focus on nutrition and specifically Genetically Modified Organisms aka GMOs. What are they, when did we start to use them, and have they made any type of impact are the questions we'll be answering and more.


What Are Gyrotonics?

BONUS! As many of you know from listening to the most recent introductions, Devon is not only a certified holistic nutritionist, but also a certified gyrotonic instructor. Like some of the members of the , you might be asking yourself, what exactly does a gyrotonic instructor do? We took some time at the beginning of the episode to explain how gyrotonics got its start, how a gyrotonic gets certified and what they do, as well as how gyrotonics benefits the body.


How GMOs Got Their Start

We began to introduce GMOs into the food chain back in 1998. Even before the, we've been creating hybrid foods for years with cross-pollination, but we had never genetically modified them like this until now.

GMOs are created by splicing the genes and adding new DNA information into the genetic pattern. This new genetic information doesn't even have to come from the same type of food, they can be from different biological kingdoms.

BT corn is genetically engineered that would use less pesticide and so they put in new bacteria into the DNA of the corn so that they naturally have pesticides and when the bugs eat the corn, they die. Its not toxic to us, but to insects.


"You can vote with your wallet. If you're buying food that says "Non GMO," local, and organic foods, then place your vote." - Rob Dionne



Genetically Modified Food


"The seeds are so unique that they need to be patented. But at the same time, they're so substantially equivalent to other seeds, there's no need to label them, test them, or otherwise regulate them." Monsanto on not labeling their GMO ingredients in products.


There are two types of GMOs: GMO1 foods and GMO2 foods. However, we don't really know the true consequences yet of genetically modifying food, but GMO2 type foods sounds particularly harmful.

As mentioned above, GMO1 foods are created by splicing the genes and placing natural genetic information  to try to improve them. However, to create a GMO2 food, the DNA is computer generated in a lab and not natural at all.

The most common types of GMO1 foods include: Corn Soy Cotton Sugar beets (no. 1 source of our sugar) Canola oil Alfalfa Hawaiian papaya Zucchini Yellow Squash

Specifically, Bt-corn is genetically engineered to require less pesticide by putting new bacteria into the DNA of the corn. By doing this, the modified Bt-corn species naturally contains pesticides that are toxic to bugs, but not us.

The most common types of GMO2 foods include: Canola oil Potatoes Arctic Apples (that don't naturally brown after you slice them or take a bite) Stevia EverSweet Patchouli Rose Oil


 "And now we're taking GMOs to the lab, but do we really need to? GMOs are like a supplement that we don't even need. The highest GMO crops are corn, soy, and sugar and these are all of the foods that are killing us. They're causing obesity, diabetes, and heart disease and our government is funding this." - Rob and Devon Dionne


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Have a Question or Review for Rob or Devon?

We love answering questions and getting feedback from you, our listener! If you have any questions to ask us, want to share a review of the show, or tell us any suggestions for guests/topics that you think would be great to have on the show, just email Rob at [email protected] or Devon at [email protected] or you can also leave us a review at, ask a question in the closed Open Sky Fitness Facebook Group and even text OSFreview to 33444 to get the link.

  What You'll Hear on This Episode

00:00 Open Sky Fitness Introduction

1:15  Opening comments with Rob and Devon

1:30 Gyrotonic and  Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)

2:30  The history of gyrotonics.

4:00 The different gyrotonic machines.

9:00  What gyrotonics can do for the body and why it's so beneficial.

12:00  Different breathing techniques you can use for gyrotonics.

13:00  Who should consider doing gyrotonics and where you can do it.

18:10  What are Genetically Modified Organisms?

20:00  About Monsanto seeds

21:30  When did we start creating GMOs?

23:00  How do we genetically modify food?

28:00  Different pesticides that Monsanto has created such as Roundup Ready and why they eventually don't work anymore.

30:00 Controversies for Monsanto and new products

33:00  How GMOs are affecting the world and government policies

34:10  Recent studies on GMOs and its affect on our bodies

35:00 The story behind GMO1 foods and the new GMO2 foods

36:00 What foods are genetically modified

39:30  GMOs don't need to be labeled as of now

40:00  About F1 hybrid cross-pollinated seeds

43:35  How you can make a difference with your wallet

45:00  What to look for in the ingredients of the packaged foods that you buy.

47:15  Comparing the USA's use of GMOs to other countries that don't use them like France, Germany, and Russia

51:40  Closing comments with Rob and Devon

1:11:55  Open Sky Fitness Closing

  RESOURCES MENTIONED DURING THE SHOW: Leave us an iTunes review Join the The Open Sky Fitness Podcast Group on Facebook Read Doubts About the Promised Bounty of Genetically Modified Crops from The New York Times The Monsanto official website The Syngenta official website


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Thanks for listening/reading Episode 139: 16 Fitness Hacks to Kickstart Your Health! We hope you have gained more knowledge on how to be a healthier you!