In today’s episode, we talk to NYT-bestselling author Sarah Ballantyne about her new book, “The Paleo Approach Cookbook.”

The cookbook teaches readers to incorporate seemingly exotic ingredients like cricket flour, fish heads and cow liver into their diets to reduce inflammation, calm their immune system and help their bodies heal themselves.

Sarah, who has a Ph.D. in medical biophysics, ate fish eyes as a child. (Sarah: “How do you KNOW this about me?” Rob: “You wrote it in your book. You have written a book.”). She learned from an early age that there were nutritious foods that nobody knew about.

“I was exposed to foods that people usually ignore,” she explained. “Clearly this has translated to my adult life.”

Sarah and Rob also talk about:

-How the exoskeleton of shellfish and insects contains a fiber unique in the animal kingdom.

-Why grass-fed meat has different nutrients in it, like Omega 3’s, that aren’t inflammatory. (Meat is only inflammatory when you eat it processed or cured and don’t eat enough vegetables.)

-Why Breakfast is a construct! You can eat whatever you want for breakfast. Chicken soup instead of waffles; whatever you want! Your body will thank you later.

“The Paleo Approach Cookbook,” which is available starting TODAY on, also contains “normal” dishes like garlic rosemary roast beef, burgers with portabello mushrooms buns and mediterranean mahi mahi.

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