Welcome back OOBTers to a New Year + New Episode of the Podcast!   As we are a little over one year into M’s obedience to God’s call for her to be a Bible Study Podcast Host, listen in as she not only encourages herself to keep on in the God-sized mission God gave her in OOBT, but also encourages each one of us to step into both the big and the small callings God places on each one of our hearts, minds, and lives.   Please please please be sure to not only listen in but to then also process this one further in all the many resources found in the show notes M provided for today’s episode. God is up to some BIG things in 2023 and beyond so let’s not miss out friends! We are all called to go in one way or another so let’s figure out how we can join God in His plans for each one of us in 2023. This is going to be so good OOBTers!   For the full episode show notes, please go to https://mfahring.com/called-to-go-in-2023/