If you've ever worked for a company or a family business and you didn't feel like it was a good fit, you'll be inspired by this episode as Sherul Mehta joins Akua to share how he leveraged his vast experience to become an entrepreneur, investor, and operator. 

Knowing the value of IT in business, Sherul studied computer science and business management while at university. He went to work at Goldman Sachs, then joined his family's diamond business. Finding himself bored and unfulfilled, Sherul went into business with his cousin, where he acquired two businesses that focus on helping entrepreneurs and businesses grow. Listen in to find out how acquiring these businesses helped him build his own! 

Sherul also discusses the three main pillars he believes are core in supporting entrepreneurs, gives his advice to founders and service providers, and discusses what it's like to work with family. 


Highlights in this Episode:

Sherul talks about his background and how he pivoted to entrepreneurship.Learn how working for the family diamond business found him unfulfilled but how he kept his new ventures in the family. Sherul talks about how he acquired his first business and was able to use its success as a learning tool and blueprint.  Find out the advice Sherul gives to founders who might be looking to get acquired. The two discuss the three pillars needed to succeed in business: a strong tech team, a marketing team, and a design team.Sherul talks about his company Delesign, which offers dedicated design work at a fraction of the cost of an in-house designer.Discover how he leveraged Delesign to build his business, Scale Your Podcast, which helps podcasters increase engagement. Service providers who are starting out should know their audience and who they're creating their service for. Sherul gives real-life examples.Sherul talks about the difference between launching a business and running a business. Find out which Belgian national team Sherul plays for. 

A note from Akua: Enjoy this podcast content and guests? These are the kinds of conversations (and amazing humans) we will have in my new community and container. If you are an action-oriented and accomplished professional who is pivoting into service-based entrepreneurship and are ready to get out of theory and into practice, join my waitlist to cut through the noise and get to the money here: www.akuanm.com/cheatcode

Connect with Sherul Mehta: 
Website: https://mehtasherul.com/
Twitter: @mehtasherul
Delesign: Delesign.com
Scale Your Podcast: Scaleyourpodcastmarketing.com

Connect with Akua Nyame-Mensah:

Instagram: @akua_nm
Website: www.akuanm.com
LinkedIn: @Akua Nyame-Mensah
Twitter: @akua_nm
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