This #AskAkua episode is densely packed with helpful information for aspiring business coaches. Tune in as Akua pulls back the curtain on her own coaching business to tell you what she would do differently if she had to do it all again. Find out if she would have invested as much in courses and the important metric to tell if you’re getting the most out of them. She also shares her thoughts on social media and whether having a website is necessary to get clients.

Akua also gives great advice on how to complete your 100 hours of coaching for your International Coaching Federation (ICF) credential. Finding clients is a frequently asked-about topic, and in this episode, Akua gives you five specific ways to get clients (even if you’ve never had one before).

Highlights in this episode:

Akua suggests jumping into paying clients right away. Contrary to some beliefs, offering “free” services doesn’t often lead to paying clients and sometimes even causes anger when you start charging.It is important to get used to charging and setting the mindset that your coaching is worth something.Akua explains her rationale for creating a website and social media channels and talks about whether or not they are necessary for you to succeed as a coach.Coaching programs and courses are sometimes a good investment, but are they imperative?Are you leveraging what you’re learning to your benefit or wasting time and money on courses? Akua gives a metric to help you make that determination.Learn methods on how to get your 100 hours of coaching in order to qualify for the ICF credential.Ways to get clients: coaching trades, utilizing WhatApp groups Facebook Groups, LinkedIn, and even a ListServe.Don’t limit yourself to 1:1 coaching. Group coaching/workshops are the fastest way to get hours, and group participation takes some pressure off while making it fun.

Do you have a question for Akua? Submit it here: Submit your question HERE

Resources Mentioned:
Blog post: How to Complete Your 100 Hours for Your ICF Associate Coaching Credential
Blog post: How I Received My Associate Coaching Credential from the International Coaching Federation
Blog post: Investing in Myself for Others

Connect with Akua Nyame-Mensah:

Instagram: @akua_nm
LinkedIn: @Akua Nyame-Mensah
Twitter: @akua_nm
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