To You - The Story
I matured quickly. I had to. You see, at age 15, I was gainfully employed. At 18 years old, I was in a foreign country all by myself. No aunt's cousins, parents - anything like that. I had to pay my rent, buy my clothes and yes, pay my school fees. I've been paying bills for as long as I can remember. Yet, it is selfish to constantly use the word "I". The reason is because I did not do it of myself. God working through wrougth all and accomplished all that concerned me.I am not self made, I am God made.

As any mature person in a season of responsibility knows, there are times when things get rough and you begin to miss routine payments. There are tragedies that happen that seem to knock the very foundation off your feet. In these moments, you just want to lay in bed, put the covers over head, go to sleep and wish this was all a dream. A dream that will vaporize as soon as you wake up with the rising sun. Yet, you wake up and yes ... it is really happening and it does not look good. It was in one such seasons that I learnt to apply this scrpiture found in

Cast thy burdens upon the Lord and He shall direct you. He shall never suffer the righteous to be moved - Psalm 55:15
I simply placed the issue on God's feet and allowed Him deal with it. I have covenanted to give Him the glory for everything good that happens in my life. The responsibility that comes with that covenant is that He, not the devil, gets the blame for anything that goes wrong. I just give it to Him. And so now that things are so much easier, I reminisced and wrote this song. May it encourage you in your life work. When life feels overwhelming, may you find the trust in you to cast your burdens to the Lord for He cares for you. Below is the lyrics for the song.
















To You- The Song

Written by Evangelist Uche. Performed by Emily Davis and Ebuka Unogu. Produced by Ebuka Unogu

Psalm 55 verse 5 says: "Cast thy burden upon the Lord, And He shall sustain you. He shall never suffer the righteous to be moved". And so today Lord, I choose to give To YOU. Everything that has every bothered me. All of my fears, my tears and all my cares. All of my doubt, All of my plans, my dilemma, my uncertainty, my anxiety, my hopes and my dreams. My aspirations, my ambition, my strength and my weakness. I give it all TO YOU Lord.


My Heart, My Soul, My Strength
I give TO YOU
My Life, My hopes, My All

My Heart, My Soul, My Strength
My Life, My hopes, My All


Verse 1
You said to cast all my burdens - TO YOU
Everything that has kept me up late at night – TO YOU
You will keep me in perfect peace, if I place my mind - ON YOU
It’s the least thing that I can do; I’m overwhelmed,
I’m panicky, Filled with doubt
Absorbed in fear, What do I do?
What I can I say?
I cannot handle these issues and so I give it TO YOU



Verse 2
Yes I’m giving my everything - TO YOU
Don’t know all that tomorrow brings, I put my trust - IN YOU
Because you hold tomorrow, I feel secure - WITH YOU
I put my life in Your able hands,  I rest in your promise

For your provision, For your protection
For Your direction, I give TO YOU
My future plans, Your will be done in my life
Of which I give TO YOU


I give it To You.
Everything that has ever troubled me.
I give it To YOU
Everyone that has ever hurt me
I give it To You
How do I pay the bills?
How do I pay the tuition?
How do I get out of debt?
How do I? How do I? How do I?

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