
Thank You 2013! Introducing EvangelistUche.com

December 28, 2013 14:00

Around this time last year, December 2012, I declared via revelation, that 2013 would be a year of ministry. It lived up to this billing and more. It's been a year of trials, of pain, and of VICTORY. I am thankful to God for helping me deliver over 52 weekly episodes of Onyx TV and over 200 posts. Social engagement grew astronomically and page views skyrocketed beyond my wildest imaginations. God is good. For 2014, I will seize to post on www.onyxministry.org and begin to blog under a person...

What You Are Afraid Of Is Afraid Of You. Part 4

December 21, 2013 15:00

I imagine you have been following this series closely. If you have missed anyone of the previous posts, feel free to start from Part 1, and then to Part 2, and Part 3. These are relatively short reads and will help you bridge your understanding gap of the principle I'm teaching on, "What you are afraid of, is afraid of you. Now that you know how to seek out and exploit your giants weakness, I will like you to apply this in 2014. 2014 I believe, is an exceptional opportunity for you to slay...

What You Are Afraid Of Is Afraid Of You. Part 3

December 15, 2013 04:53

In part 2 of this series (see it here if you missed it), I shared how David instead of seeing only the strengths of Goliath, chose to see the weaknesses as well. This was what differentiated him from the rest of the Israeli army which trembled at the voice of Goliath. In Part 1, I broached the concept of: What you are afraid of is afraid of you. In this post, Part 3, I will share exactly how David exploited Goliath's weaknesses to win and how you too can win in 2014. After David had refused ...

What You Are Afraid Of Is Afraid Of You. Part 2

December 08, 2013 04:32

In a previous post, I broached the concept of: What you are afraid of is mightily afraid of you, (Read it here if you missed it). In this post, I go deeper into this concept and then I round it off in a part 3. Don't we all like the story of the underdog? Or better still, isn't it always better to root for the Underdog? Remember how Jeremy Lin, an un-drafted Basketball player of Taiwanese descent, took the NBA world by storm, putting up exceptional performances for the New York Knicks? It...

Study To Show Thyself Approved

December 01, 2013 04:39

On my last day at one of my old jobs, I approached one of the veteran engineers on the team whom I will call Peter. Allow me give some background, Peter has little "people skills", and a poor command of grammar, but Peter is really adept at what he does. He is amongst the top in his profession nationwide, and the go to guy in difficult situations. When nobody can solve a problem, they go to Peter - who miraculously, always ends up solving the problem. When I first met Peter, he was on his way...

Growing Strength Through Suffering

November 24, 2013 04:55

If thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small. Proverbs 24:10 So far, I've failed each time I hit adversity. This proves my strength is small. And so like you, I want to grow my strength. The question then is how do you grow strength? The unfortunate answer is that growing in strength comes through suffering. Let me explain by telling you a personal story. I was once consumed with success, obsessed with climbing up the corporate ladder as soon as possible. Possessed with am...

Face The Music

November 17, 2013 04:52

Problem - any thing, matter, person, etc, that is difficult to deal with, solve, or overcome - World English Dictionary In a previous post, Become a Scripturenaire, I wrote about being involved in an accident, a problem if you will, and staying to "face the music". "Face the Music" is a term I use to describe confronting and tackling problems. The aftermath of the accident was nothing short of a blessing. It went well afterwards, but could have gone awry had I run away from the problem - w...

To You

November 10, 2013 04:41

To You - The Story I matured quickly. I had to. You see, at age 15, I was gainfully employed. At 18 years old, I was in a foreign country all by myself. No aunt's cousins, parents - anything like that. I had to pay my rent, buy my clothes and yes, pay my school fees. I've been paying bills for as long as I can remember. Yet, it is selfish to constantly use the word "I". The reason is because I did not do it of myself. God working through wrougth all and accomplished all that concerned me.I...

9 Principles It Takes To Build A Winning Team

November 03, 2013 03:36

My team recently won the Indy South side indoor soccer championship. This meant a lot to me because this was the third time we tried for this championship after coming short the past 2 seasons. Let me tell you how we got here. My previous team was dissolved by the leader who decided to join another team in search of greener pastures. I tried playing in teams with lesser talent but as we lost game after game, I realized I needed to employ one of my life philosophies, that you need a good team ...

Above All, Know Thyself. Part 2

October 27, 2013 03:50

In part 1 of this series (read it here if you missed it), I talked about the importance of knowing yourselves. In fact the title of the series is coined from famous words of William Shakespeare, "To thine ownself be true".  In this installment I will begin to unwrap practical ways by which you can begin to better know yourself. Once you know who you are; your opportunities become limitless, your potential becomes clear and attainable. You stop beating around the bush and get to that which is ...

What Will You Have Learned From Tribulation When It's Over?

October 20, 2013 03:44

Tribulation: grievous trouble; severe trial or suffering.- Dictionary.com I do not like tribulation. In fact, I detest it, but God teaches that tribulation is a necessary ingredient of life to bring forth certain strengths, certain fruits in us, which make us ultimately better human beings and better Christians. In a previous post, I wrote on Growing in your infirmity. In it I explained how an infirmity could be the one thing that keeps you humble. I will like to expand on this briefly and w...

You Don't Teach That, You Hire That

October 13, 2013 03:49

Simon had enthusiasm. As a fisherman he was enthusiastic. As a disciple of Christ, he was the first to refuse the Lord's offer to wash his feet, though he later reneged asking that not just his feet but his whole body be washed. Simon was the one who asked that fire be called from heaven to consume some 'haters'. Simon said he would never deny the Lord. Yet, despite his flaws, the Lord loved Simon's enthusiasm. He changed his name from Simon to Peter, meaning  a rock. He put Peter into...

As The Eagle Stirs The Nest

October 06, 2013 03:35

A little eaglet is fed, nurtured and warmed by its parent, the Eagle. It bonds with its parent through a process called "Imprinting", which basically means it imitates all it sees in its parent. As the eaglet grows bigger, its parent starts to challenge it to fend for itself. Part of that fending for itself, is in learning how to fly. The eaglet is bonded with its nest, it is comfortable there and in many ways, has become complacent. The parent Eagle then stirs the nest. This it does by make...

Is It Worth It?

September 29, 2013 03:50

I went for a night run recently and found a few college students playing soccer. I decided to join them but my aching knees wouldn't let me. So I sat down and watched. I immediately took a liking to young man, whom I will call Farouk. Farouk played very well and seemed to shoulder all the responsibility of his team - scoring, defending play making. I waited to get his phone number and recruit him to play on my indoor soccer team. Towards the end of the game, he hard fouled a member of the opp...

All Glory Must Be to The Lord

September 22, 2013 03:54

Many times, people ask me: Why do you always have to include Christ in your statements? Why does something spiritual jump out of every statement that emanates from your mouth. My answer is simple: "Because He is my all in all, He is my sufficiency. I can do nothing without Him". You see. scripture boldly declares: In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. - Proverbs 3:6 In all thy ways it says, that is why I always mentioning Jesus Christ in all I do. But there is more...

Night of Compassion '13 - Report

September 15, 2013 03:54

About 16 children were sponsored during Night of Compassion '13. These are children who would have regular meals, safe housing, schooling and a chance to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ, because people on the South Side of Indianapolis responded to the call to show compassion. Moreso, we were ministered to in music, by Nathan Tasker and Teeklef. Both brought their musical talents to glorify God and edify the congregation. We are so grateful to God for what He did on this faithful night. The ...

You Are Healed

September 08, 2013 03:34

I previously wrote about a testimony that occurred in 2007. Read it here. At the time, I was broke, desolate and almost homeless. In fact, I was sick financially and in many other ways. But God in His infinite mercies healed me. I learned that I was already healed, I just had to "cash" my healing by believing in it and confessing in prayer, what God had said: ...and with his stripes we are healed - Isaiah 53:5 Four years later, in 2011, I wrote "You are Healed" for a dear friend/ mentor, b...

Even Now ...

September 01, 2013 03:48

Jesus arrived in Bethany a few days later than Martha expected. She came crying to him, telling that if He had been there earlier, her brother Lazarus, would not have died. She had a point, but notice how she followed it up with these extraordinary words:    ... Lord, if thou hadst been here, my brother had not died. But I know, that EVEN NOW, whatsoever thou wilt ask of God, God will give it thee. - John 11:21-22 She was saying, yes, it's true my brother is dead. We've not heard of people...

Ceteris Paribus - All Things Being Equal

August 25, 2013 03:52

My college degree is in Information Systems. I love computer systems. As an IT professional, I have found that my edge comes from my understanding of how systems work. Because I understand the system's processes end to end, I am easily able to decipher when something is wrong, and what the "culprit" is.   What it takes others 3 hours to fix, I can fix in 3 minutes, because I know how it should work - all things being equal. In order for me to know how things work, I have to spend time...

Fake it Till You Make it

August 18, 2013 03:36

An IT professor recently told a story of how he was asked if he could fix a security issue for a firm as a consultant. He replied to the affirmative, and then proceeded to purchase a book on network security. He applied himself, learned all he could, and resolve the problem easily - Earning keep for himself and his family.  Abraham Lincoln did not know much about warfare strategies and the wagging of war at the onset of his presidency but by the end of the civil war, he had read enough to ex...

Interview with Missionary par Excellence - Corey Devereaux

August 11, 2013 03:59

Corey Devereaux and I were roommates in my final months as a college student. We would wake up some mornings and partake on a Bible study. What stands out most in my memory of those times is Corey taking a prayer walk. He would walk around the neighborhood praying. The prayer warrior that he is, it is not unusual to wake up and hear Corey praying in the living room. As a missionary, God used Corey to plant Chi-Alpha, a college ministry, at the University of Indianapolis. A ministry that conti...

The Art of Waiting

August 04, 2013 03:50

Someone contacted me on Twitter and told how he had done all he could do to get a breakthrough. He had gone to school and graduated. He had researched opportunities and found the right business to pursue, however he did not have the finances. He was waiting on financing to come and this wait was causing his faith to stumble. He asked, what should he do? It appeared to me that he had done all he could and should. What is missing is that he should STAND (wait with patience). You see scripture ...

Don't Leave Your Family Behind

July 28, 2013 03:44

Jobs come and jobs go, in the end, family is all you've got.  This is the wise counsel I received from my manager when I was starting my career in IT many years ago. This was particularly meaningful because at the time, I applied myself 120% into my career, wanting to rise very fast to the top of my profession. While this is good and recommended, I found out soon enough that money itself provides its own set of temptations, and without being grounded in family, it is possible to lose, in o...

Come and See

July 21, 2013 00:13

Many years ago, at a leadership camp in Lagos, Nigeria, I met Endurance Igbinosun, who exemplified Christianity for me. He was, in my opinion, effortlessly flawless, exuding grace and goodness. A natural leader who sang often, "If Your presence doesn't go with us, we don't want to leave this place". I remember thinking, this is who I should be. I have been living a lie, trying to fit in, trying to be popular, trying to be a 'Gee'. I had heard so many sermons in times past, and walked up to t...

Only God Can Do This - Aaron and Tirzah

July 13, 2013 21:38

While filming for the wedding of Aaron and Keilah Bailey, in 2012, a gentleman approached me and we began a lively conversation about Christ. No pleasantries, no small talk, no introductions ...straight into discussions about faith, the future and how it all revolves around Christ. You see, in a world where we all have our little cliques, where we are mostly confined in conversation, to the familiarity of  our groups. Aaron Birk instead, stepped away from his circle to speak to me of Christ. ...