My guest, Sparkle Lindsay, is a transformation coach who helps her clients accept their greatness. Sparkle was on her last leg, only waiting to be fired from her job, or honestly, hoping she would never wake up. Then, Sparkle begin to realize that she had to change her narrative. And, in doing that, she left her job and went on a quest to save her life. On the day this episode was recorded, Sparkle was celebrating 3 years of sobriety!

Ultimately, Sparkle become a transformation coach. She helps other workaholics, like her, learn to stand by their external and internal boundaries and reinvent their routine. She’s also a motivational speaker, author and nationally certified recovery coach facilitator for addiction. Her mission with Sparkle LLC, 'The light at the end if the tunnel', is to help people help themselves through positive transformation, one step at a time.

Check out her book, Being a Better Me! Sparkle had to fight to take her life back, and in doing so, she found that it is important to enjoy a little bit of sunshine each day. So, Sparkle felt compelled to write a pocket guide that shows you quick tips and tricks to be better for you. Finally, at times we can make things so hard, when all we really need is to open our hearts, our minds, and speak our truth.  

Resources Mentioned:  Sparkle on LinkedIn Email Sparkle: [email protected] Buy Sparkle’s book: Being a Better Me Get your Sparkle Merchandise Check out Sparkle’s website YouTube: Sparkle’s Channel Connect with Emily on LinkedIn  Emily Harman Positive Intelligence Coaching Program  Onward Accelerator Coaching Program Onward: Twitter | Onward Movement Facebook Group | YouTube Buy Emily’s Best Selling Book Step Into the Spotlight Schedule a Complimentary Coaching Call with Emily Music by Soul Pajamas

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