My guest, Leonard Perlmutter shares how we can unlock limitless wisdom and creativity  by trusting our conscience. Looking outside ourselves for happiness is a useless pursuit, But where can we find the wisdom we need to guide us through the trials in our lives?

Leonard is the founder and director of The American Meditation Institute. And his recently released book YOUR CONSCIENCE: The Key to Unlock Limitless Wisdom and Creativity and Solve All of Life's Challenges, is a simple, logical introduction to how your mind works. Furthermore, it’s the perfect entry point for anyone who wants to live a more fulfilling life simply by learning to depend on their conscience. 

 Listen to this episode and learn simple, practical methods to infuse your life with more happiness, love, or creativity. Also, we discuss the four functions of the mind: Senses, Ego, Unconscious Mind, and Conscience, and how to coordinate them to live a joyful life. 

Resources Mentioned: 

Leonard’s website  Your Conscience: Leonard’s Book Follow Leonard on Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram> American Meditation Institute National Conscience Month Connect with Emily on LinkedIn  Emily Harman Positive Intelligence Coaching Program  Onward Accelerator Coaching Program Onward: Twitter | Onward Movement Facebook Group | YouTube Buy Emily’s Best Selling Book Step Into the Spotlight Schedule a Complimentary Coaching Call with Emily Music by Soul Pajamas

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