Andrew Calderella shares how to discover our true self in this Onward Podcast episode. Andrew’'s life is a combination of The Rocky Story, Think and Grow Rich, & The Celestine Prophesy on Steroids! And, he’s been through so many harrowing and intense situations that those stories alone could fill volumes.

Furthermore, he's overcome dyslexia, other learning disabilities, being legally blind in one eye, and being bullied to become a school leader, athlete, and attain university degrees in Speech & Communications, Religious Studies, and Eastern Philosophy.

Also, a serial entrepreneur, Andrew has run a successful strategic consulting firm for over 20 years. He's the bestselling author of The Way, 7 Revolutionary Steps to Living a Meaningful Life & Making a Real Difference in the World.

Resources Mentioned: 

Andrew on LinkedIn The Way - Andrew’s Book Check out Andrew’s website  Connect with Emily on LinkedIn  Emily Harman Positive Intelligence Coaching Program  Onward Accelerator Coaching Program Onward: Twitter | Onward Movement Facebook Group | YouTube Buy Emily’s Best Selling Book Step Into the Spotlight Schedule a Complimentary Coaching Call with Emily Music by Soul Pajamas

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