My guest, Carl Sharperson, Jr. and I discuss his motto “quittters never win and winners never quit”, and more. Carl is the author of a life changing book, Sharp Leadership - Overcome Adversity To Lead With Authenticity. And, Carl has certainly overcome adversity and he shares how his mindset changed after two near death experienes.

Furthermore, a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy, Carl served in the Marine Corps for 5.5 years as a pilot before working in manufacturing roles in P&G. Frito Lay, Colgate Palmolive, and was the VP of manufacturing Dunlop Slazenger, a global sports company headquartered in England.

Carl, a Leadership Innovation Strategist, helps leaders and organizations go from being mediocre to maximizing their potential. And, maximizing our potential is part of creating a life we LOVE living!  He does this through speaking, executive coaching, business consulting, cultural transformation, Diversity Equity & Inclusion workshops, leadership development coaching, and professional recruiting. 

Finally listen and learn how Carl determined his purpose in life and how you can too! 

Resources Mentioned: 

 Carl’s website  Linkedin - Carl Sharperson, JR.  Connect with Emily on LinkedIn  Emily Harman Watch Emily’s Webinar on Energy Leadership Positive Intelligence Coaching Program  Onward Accelerator Coaching Program Onward: Twitter | Onward Movement Facebook Group | YouTube Buy Emily’s Best Selling Book Step Into the Spotlight Schedule a Complimentary Coaching Call with Emily Music by Soul Pajamas

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