Emily Harman, the host of Onward Podcast, interviews Sandy Swenson, the mother of two sons—one of whom struggles with addiction. Author of ‘The Joey Song: A Mother’s Story of Her Son’s Addiction’ [Central Recovery Press], ‘Tending Dandelions: Honest Meditations for Mothers with Addicted Children’ [Hazelden Publishing], and 'Readings for Moms of Addicts’ App [Hazelden Publishing], Sandy lives in the place where love and addiction meet—a place where help enables and hope hurts. Sandy is a voice for parents of children suffering with the disease of addiction, putting their thoughts and feeling into words. Her latest project is MomPower.org., an easy to navigate hub connecting moms with addicted children to a world of help, hope, and empowerment.   Resources Mentioned: MomPower.org  website   Sandy Swenson’s website  Sandy Swenson’s email: [email protected] Emily Harman Soul Pajamas Onward: Instagram | Twitter | Facebook | Onward Facebook Group PodcastPress

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