Jenny Clark is proud to be celebrating 30 years of sobriety. In this episode, Jenny shares her story of recovery from alcoholism in an effort to help others. At first Jenny was embarrassed to admit she was an alcoholic. However, in the end she decided she didn't want to pass this on to her daughters. Although we can't make somebody else want to get sober, and it's hard to break the patterns, we can educate ourselves and offer support. We've been told "don't say anything" all of our lives. Let's say something.


Jenny is well known as The Oprah of Federal Contracting. Furthermore, She’s the CEO of Solvability, a company that helps small business win federal contracts by focusing on competitive pricing and profitability. Also, she’s the Founder of GOVCON Summit, a virtual accelerator network for small businesses in federal contracting, especially veteran entrepreneurs who hire veterans. 


Episode Highlights:


First, Jenny talks about the day she decided to stop drinking. Jenny went to therapy over several years. But none of Jenny’s therapists asked her if she thought she was drinking too much. At first Jenny was embarrassed to admit she was an alcoholic. In the end she decided she didn't want to pass this on to her daughters. You can't make somebody else want to get sober and it's hard to break the patterns. Next, Jenny talks about her need to make others feel comfortable when she wasn't drinking. Also, gratitude was key for Jenny's recovery. Then, Emily starts to cry as Jenny brings up Emily's son's alcoholism. Next, Jenny talks about the secrets we tend to keep.  After that, Jenny talks about how her family members used alcohol to fit in. Then, Emily shares what it was like to live with a "functioning" alcoholic, her former husband. Also, Jenny finally realized she was being selfish as she was drinking, thinking it wasn't impacting others. Next Jenny describes being drawn into others' accommodating lifestyles. To stop drinking, Jenny felt she'd have to give up her friends. Jenny offers to help listeners make a different choice and to break the patterns. Alcohol impacts everyone differently and Jenny was going for the feeling of euphoria. People arrange their lives around alcohol and Jenny was self medicating using alcohol. Also, it's easier to use alcohol than to go to the doctor to get medication for depression. Furthermore, we turn to instant solutions. Next, Emily shares that her addiction is to get really busy so she doesn't have to feel her feelings. Emily shares the story about when her son finally decided to get help for his alcoholism and drug addiction. Finally, we've been told "don't say anything" all of our lives. Let's say something.


Resources Mentioned: 


Connect with Jenny on LinkedIn Jenny’s GOVCON Summit 2021 GOVCON Summit LinkedIn Community Schedule a Call with Jenny GOVCON Summit Freedom Friday Events Onward Podcast Episode: Reflections on Losing 2 Sons to Overdoses and Nearly Losing Her Third to COVID-19 Onward Podcast Trailer: A Mother and Son’s Discussion on Addiction and Recovery Onward Podcast Episode: Thriving after Addiction and Homelessness  Connect with Emily on LinkedIn  Emily Harman Mental Fitness Program  Onward Accelerator Coaching Program Onward: Instagram | Twitter | Facebook | Onward Movement Facebook Group | YouTube Schedule a Complimentary Coaching Call with Emily Soul Pajamas

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