Pragito Dove is a global authority on Expressive Meditation and founder of the #1 Expressive Meditation Training School in North America. Furthermore, she’s an internationally recognized Author, Hypnotherapist, Coach and Speaker. Pragito helps entrepreneurs, leaders, and CEO’s align their mindset to allow more peace, time and financial freedom. In addition, Pragito helps her clients change their money blueprint, recondition their mind for automatic abundance, and use Spiritual Laws to create real world success. Finally, listen and learn why awareness is the key to transformation from suffering to peace.

Episode Highlights:

First, Emily introduces Pragito. Then Pragito describes her childhood and talks about growing up with an abusive mother. Due to the abuse, Pragito shut down to protect her heart. Also, she decided that as soon as she was old enough, she would get help to deal with her pain. The good news is we can heal from our childhood. Pragito remembers how she healed and helps her clients do the same. She went to India to study meditation with an enlightened mystic. While in India, Pragito learned a range of expressive meditative techniques. Next, Pragito goes on to explain some of the different expressive meditation techniques that she learned. Laughter meditation is one of the techniques she learned in India. Pragito explains the benefits of expressive techniques.   Then, Emily asks if a coach is needed to practice these meditations. Pragito found her true authentic self and inner peace through meditation. Furthermore, our inner peace and wisdom are already within us. If we aren't in touch with inner peace, it's because of layers of tensions and blocks in the way. Our lives on the outside reflect how we are on the inside Also, decluttering our house helps us realize the decluttering we have to do on the inside. We have patterns in our subconscious that we aren't aware of. Next, Pragito describes her relationship with her mother and sister. Instead of fighting her mother and sister, she found compassion for them. It's difficult to feel compassion for others if you don't feel love and compassion for themselves. Also, inner peace and joy is there -  you have to want it. Hypnotherapy is based on relaxation. Pragito explains how she helps her clients heal with hypnosis. Emily and Pragito talk about investing in themselves. Awareness is the key to transformation and the reason to do all of this is for your health. Furthermore, without your health, where are you going? Are you enjoying yourself most days or are you settling? You can cultivate an attitude to enjoy more of what you do, or you can change your situation. For example, you can do the cleaning meditation. Meditation is awareness - being in the present moment. Pragito talks about her books. Judgement is the #1 cause of suffering in the world. The only person you can work on is yourself. Also, trust that others are on their own path. We all judge but in the present moment, there's no judgement. Witnessing the mind is a technique for learning to disassociate from the mind. The mind can help you with solutions. You are the master, the witness, of the mind. Finally, awareness gives you choice.

Resources Mentioned:

Pragito’s My #1 bestselling book LUNCHTIME ENLIGHTENMENT  Free Gifts from Pragito Contact Pragito: Emily Harman Soul Pajamas Onward: Instagram | Twitter | Facebook | Onward Movement Facebook Group | YouTube Schedule a Complimentary Coaching Call with Emily Learn more about the Onward Accelerator Coaching Program


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