Elizabeth Engen is an Online Business Strategist and Founder of Premier SEO Ninjas - a digital marketing agency that helps doctors and lawyers grow their practices by creating online strategies that increase their number of clients and boost their bottom line. Premier SEO Ninjas aims to be the leading provider of innovative, comprehensive, state-of-the-art, and results-driven digital and Internet marketing solutions to enable their clients to become successful.

What you'll learn about in this episode: Elizabeth’s path that made her realize that she’d been in the wrong line of work for 18 years The struggles many business owners go through trying to balance the desire to gain customers in any way possible with learning to focus on the niche that suits them How Elizabeth learned to keep negative ideas and beliefs from gaining a foothold and prevent her from pursuing promising business opportunities The way Elizabeth approaches sales with the mindset of what she’s got to offer versus what she’s going to gain from the encounter The advice she received from mentors to get herself into a “beautiful state” when it came time to approach a new business opportunity The technique Elizabeth’s team use to start each morning, where they answer questions designed to establish the tone of how they’d approach the rest of the day Why Elizabeth feels it’s important for entrepreneurs to start out with solid goals and an idea of the traits their ideal client would have The way Elizabeth learned to use the story of her own path to bond with potential new customers and give them a reason to want to do business with her How her company differentiated themselves from other competitors by proving their worth to clients with solid research Elizabeth’s recommendations to new business owners to use affirmative prayer, reflection, and set yourself up properly for the next chapter in your life Ways to contact Elizabeth: Website: premierseoninjas.com/onward-nation LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/%E2%9C%AF-elizabeth-engen-630460113 YouTube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCgq84bc2q8Wbh56335qiEDA/videos