Racheal Blackmore is the Founder and CEO of Blackmore Marketing Solutions, working with a limited number of clients to explode their brand, voice, and story through what she calls the omni-present digital footprint. She’s a successful copy and content writer specializing in brand recognition and digital marketing. Over the past 10 years, Racheal’s owned and managed businesses as well as ghost written for hundreds of companies, bloggers, and solopreneurs.

What you'll learn about in this episode: Why vanity likes and content do not translate into sales How merging content, copy and true followers helps businesses grow The importance of posting content that is relevant to your business Why you need to share your business story Why your business needs a content mission statement How businesses create followers with content that resonates with customers The benefits of outsourcing as much as you can once you have your mission statement The value of consistently producing great content and engaging with your audience How often you should be posting on social media How taking on the hard things in your business can lead to your biggest wins Ways to contact Racheal: Website: www.blackmoremarketingsolutions.com