Susan Berkley is one of the most listened to voices in America. She’s a top voice-over artist and telephone voice for Citibank and many others. An internationally known communications expert, Susan is the author of “Speak To Influence: How To Unlock The Hidden Power Of Your Voice” and her latest book, “The Persuasion Code.” She is president and founder of The Great Voice Company and provides training in persuasive speaking techniques for business and sales professionals worldwide, as well as training in voice-over technique. A former radio personality and frequent media guest, she has been featured in on ABC News, CNBC, To Tell The Truth, and in The NY Times, The LA Times, and Business Week.

What you’ll learn about in this episode: How business owners can speak to influence The importance of meeting your audience at a level where they know you care How business owners can make the most of all points of contact Why speaking is one of the most powerful ways to grow your business Why we have to be an enhanced version of ourselves when we speak in front of others How your voice and the way you use it has the power to generate emotions and feeling in people The importance of not hiding behind your email Why making a to do list for the next day is a helpful daily habit Why communication is the fastest way to grow your business The concept of transparency Ways to contact Susan: Website: Website: Email: [email protected] Phone: 800-333-8108 Twitter: @greatvoice


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