Steve Fry is the co-founder of three companies over the past 19 years under the umbrella of Spindustry...Spindustry Digital, a digital marketing agency (in 2013 named the top place to work in Iowa by the Des Moines Register... Spindustry Staffing, a professional services staffing company...and Spindustry Training, an IT training center. The Spindustry team achieved both Inc. 500 and Inc. 5000 recognition several times for these businesses and a variety of other "Bests" in their industry.

Why did you write your book?

Steve wanted to take 20+ years of experience and put it on the table.

What is the most critical skill for getting a book done? Find your area of expertise Figure out how to organize your thoughts into something that's meaningful Commit to getting it done How do you define success?

Success is having the opportunity to work on things you love to do.

What strategy do you use to combat fear?

Steve believes in finding people who love to do what you fear -- and Steve tells the reasons why here.

What makes as "A player" an "A player"?

An "A player" is someone who -- first and foremost -- has a great attitude.  

Final Round – “Breaking Down the Recipe for Success” How can we become better mentors? Be there and be supportive Set a good example -- don't ask people to do things you wouldn't be willing to do yourself Offer constructive ideas in a respectful way How can we build an audience? Have breakfast clubs -- get together with people of common interests Invite business leaders into your business and buy them lunch How do you attract good employees? Have a strong job description Have the mindset that recruiting has to be done all the time Use Facebook targeting Target your targets spouses Use video to showcase jobs Create an online diary with employee promotion of jobs Drive traffic to the position through PPC and other forms of ads How best to connect with Steve: Email: [email protected]