Mandy is a 29 year old entrepreneur that has a passion for working with children. She has had the opportunity to grow her business from $60K total revenue to $2MM in 4 years.  

Secret -- timesaving technique

Wake up early -- Identify a time during the day when your production levels are at their highest. ONWARD!

Daily habit that contributes to success

Mandy listens to audiobooks during her morning commute, which happens to be an hour long.

Could have ruined your business -- but now --  an invaluable learning experience

Four years ago, Mandy signed a very expensive lease -- and Mandy tells the whole story here.

Most critical skill you think business owners need to master to be successful

“A business owner has to have grit, a ton of courage, and unwavering determination.”

Most influential lesson learned from a mentor

“It’s not about revenue -- it’s about turning a profit -- make sure to have an accountability partner.”  


Final Round -- “Breaking Down the Recipe for Success”


What systems would you go back and put into place sooner?

“I would have put a system in place to aid the hiring process, which was very hard in the beginning.”

What one strategy or “recipe” would compound into big wins for business owners?

Focus on your top three priorities and evaluate those priorities weekly.

How to exceed expectations and add the most value?

An individual who is a self-starter, a go-getter, and has a solution based mindset.

What strategy would you recommend new business owners focus on to best ensure success?

Go all-in
Don’t limit your potential

How best to connect with Mandy: