Get ready to have your thinking challenged and expanded as you learn from an internationally recognized leadership expert. Mark is a bestselling author and noted authority on leadership, service, and extraordinary performance. His bestselling book “The Fred Factor”, which sold more than 2 million copies to date has established him as the expert on turning the ordinary into the extraordinary, in business and in life. Mark is an adjunct professor at the University of Memphis. He is featured by Crestcom in DVD-based training taught in 90 countries. His list of 2,500+ clients includes Harley-Davidson, Costco, Cisco, ESPN, First Data, and many others.

What do you do in the first 60 minutes of your day?

Mark feeds his dogs, goes through his email and social media, prays and studies the Bible, exercises, heads to the office, and figures out what his two top priorities are before he gets there -- how well you start your day determines how well you spend your day. ONWARD!

Favorite quote or lesson?

"Fear nothing but to waste the present moment because if you take care of the moments, the moments become your life."

How do you define success?

Success is coming as close as possible to fulfilling your unique potential.

What makes as "A player" an "A player"?

An "A player" is a contributor, cooperative, communicative, and committed.  

Final Round – “Breaking Down the Recipe for Success”
How can we become better mentors?

Ask these three questions:

What did you learn?
What do you most need to learn?
How can I help?

How can we build an audience?

Have a product or service that is so good that people instantly
Put the right content on the right platform

How can business owners reach that elusive next level?

Don't stop doing the things that have made you successful because of complacency
Look for the low-hanging fruit so you can quickly improve

How best to connect with Mark:

"Fred Factor" website:

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