David Covey is the 3rd son of Stephen R. Covey, author of the groundbreaking book, “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.” David was the chief operating officer of FranklinCovey. He then left Franklin Covey to start his own company, now called SMCOV. SMCOV works with the best intellectual property content experts on the planet and helps distributes their content globally through licensees. David loves working with impactful IP and setting up distribution systems around the globe.

Secret – timesaving technique

David gets his email inbox empty at least once a week -- you've got to have a system. ONWARD!

Daily habit that contributes to success

Take the time to ask for help -- David prays and reads scripture every morning and night.

Could have ruined your business – but now – an invaluable learning experience

David faced tremendous challenges in starting over and beginning his business -- and David tells the whole story here.

Most critical skill you think business owners need to master to be successful

"Perseverance and focus."

Most influential lesson learned from a mentor

"My father was the most influential person in my life -- and I try to live the Seven Habits."  

Final Round – “Breaking Down the Recipe for Success”
What systems would you go back and put into place sooner?

I would do a lot more trial and error and experimentation -- it takes a lot of time to get things right.

What one strategy or “recipe” would compound into big wins for business owners?

You need to create something unique.

How to exceed expectations and add the most value?

An individual would be truly passionate.

What strategy would you recommend new business owners focus on to best ensure success?

Make sure being an entrepreneur is the right fit for you emotionally
Make sure you have a unique strategy
Experimentation and failure is part of the process

How best to connect with David:

Website: www.smcov.com

  You can also find us here: ----- OnwardNation.com -----
