Authority and Thought Leader on outsourcing contract startup, contract analysis, and contract administration systems. Deep Experience – 15 years of lessons learned and best practices from starting up the contracts of 114 of the world’s leading [Fortune 100 & Fortune 500] corporations and U.S. federal and state government agencies.

Click to tweet: Steve Olson shares his outstanding experience and insights on Onward Nation!  

Secret -- timesaving technique

Begin each day with the end in mind. Make a list ranking your top five priorities. ONWARD!

Daily habit that contributes to success

Steve makes sure to spend 75% of his time prospecting to find clients through networking.

Could have ruined your business -- but now --  an invaluable learning experience

Steve’s transition from a secure high paying job to a new business owner was very difficult -- and Steve tells the whole story here.

Most critical skill you think business owners need to master to be successful

“A business owner has to be able to satisfy the needs of their customers by understanding the marketplace.”

Most influential lesson learned from a mentor

“Learn to develop a comprehensive marketing plan versed in strategic objectives.”  


Final Round -- “Breaking Down the Recipe for Success”


What systems would you go back and put into place sooner?

“It’s not necessarily a particular system, but I would make sure to find trusted advisors.”

What one strategy or “recipe” would compound into big wins for business owners?

You have to develop, implement, and maintain a strategic marketing plan.

How to exceed expectations and add the most value?

An individual with integrity, a diverse set of skills, and the ability to understand your corporate mission.

What strategy would you recommend new business owners focus on to best ensure success?

Find trusted advisors
Review your business plan

How best to connect with Steve:

[email protected]
