Next Episode: #55- The FAQ Show

This week, Scott and Karl read Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, author unknown. This narrative poem is considered to be one of the jewels of English Literature and a crowning achievement of Middle English poetry.

Filled with chivalric knights, seductive sirens, and plenty of temptation and testing, this Arthurian legend lives up to the name.

This poem was lost for a while, from a region that didn’t win the language war. Karl remarks, “It’s a pattern of language that still works, even if it lost the lottery.”

When you take on one of these lost pieces of literature that really hasn't been a part of the conversation, what's the interest? Why would you want to read it?

Scott says, “This poem gives me a better understanding of English, of English history, and doggonit, it’s fun!”

Go read Sir Gawain and the Green Night, then tune in for an adventure-packed conversation! 

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