Do we reveal our most authentic inner selves by our choice of partner? How can you identify meaningful love in others? In what ways does love grow? Scott discusses the role of choice in love with fellow OGB interlocutors Karl Schudt and Marsha Enright. The trio digs into a chapter from José Ortega y Gasset’s book On Love.  

Gasset is a prolific 20th-century Spanish philosopher who, in his writings, focuses on the subtle, almost ineffable aspects of human personality that are oftentimes overlooked.

What if actions and words are not the best clues in identifying a person's authentic self but rather their gestures and facial expressions?

Without giving up all the answers, Gasset urges us to think deeply about what it is we love in proportion to our range of values and source of character. Tune in to this week's episode and let us know your thoughts! 

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