Today we’re going to dive into our end of the year review. Taking time to look at the past can help us see trends in the industry so we know how to move forward.

I wanted to share some of the trends I’ve seen in my business, conversations I’ve had with others in the industry, and changes I’ve observed this year.

WHAT YOU’LL LEARN IN TODAY’S EPISODE: That 2021 was a hard year for most people in the online marketing space How iOS updates impacted online businesses The role of market saturation and sophistication How 2020 set unrealistic growth expectations for many businesses The bright spots in 2021 for holistic marketing How social media changed this year What growth looked like in my business this year No affiliate launches Revenue from sales of our own products went up Removed urgency from our sales Mapping the customer journey (EP 257: Why I’m Launching A Membership) The limitations of hiring contractors Money management lessons RESOURCES IN TODAY’S EPISODE: BADA$$ Online Marketing Membership BADA$$ Online Marketing University Free Privacy Policy BADA$$ Online Marketers Follow Bobby on Instagram