My name is Jennifer Palmer and I am the host of OnlineForAuthors and other podcasts. I am recording this for my guest profile. I'm going to start guesting on podcasts. So this is my sizzle reel, I guess... So a little bit about me.. I was born in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. I've lived in Houston, Texas; Banff, Alberta; Dewinton, Alberta; Okotoks, Alberta in that order and I've always come home to Calgary. Calgary is my home. I worked through high school in restaurants and after high school I helped run a cafe in Banff. That was my first endeavor as an entrepreneur. It was a short one. Until 1992, I was working in hotels. The summer of 92 I was placed as a receptionist in a financial planning firm. That September, began 18 years for me in the financial services industry. In 2005, I became an independent financial planner. Back into being an entrepreneur and building my own business. So, I've been in and out of the entrepreneurial space for many years. I virtually stayed in the space with one foot or the other. I've worn many, many hats. In 2005, I was a new Mom and at that time, I spent a lot of time consulting families that we're building businesses and wanting to stay home. Either one or both of the parents were looking to "make a life, not just a living" I consulted them on ways to develop systems so that they could maximize their efforts and that included in the online space. I've spent many hours networking; trade shows and marketing online. All of this has evolved as I have grown. I'm like a forever student so... every time I pick up a new book I learned something. Podcasting seemed like the next logical thing to add to my platforms and to authors' platforms as they were looking to get the word out about their books. In 2019, I went into the podcasting space and I love it here. The podcasting industry has opened several doors. An entire community has developed, such a beautiful community. I spoke at a literary conference in August of 2019, after having attended the conference a year before. I noticed that the online presence of the authors didn't match what I was seeing in the room and I offered to help whomever I could, whoever was interested with regards to changing that situation. That's when OnlineForAuthors launched and the interviews with the authors began. I absolutely love to create and build platforms and utilize marketing assets. When I'm not producing podcasts and building platforms, I'm reading, writing, and spending time with my family and my pets. I love the mountains, music and painting. And I'm so looking forward to traveling soon. So, if you think I'd be a great guest on your podcast, send me a message. #podmatch
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