Picture this: I’m looking all glam after a ladies social event. I’m camera ready…there’s no better time to do a video, right?!   I hit record and instead of rolling out high on the vibe, I was a living, breathing blooper reel!   Now I love a good blooper reel, but the truth is sometimes inspiration fizzles out like fireworks on a rainy Fourth of July.   That’s when you need my special guest Carrie Thomas-Omaur, visibility coach and brand alchemist in your corner!   In this third episode of the Getting Visible series of Online Confidential, where I take you behind the scenes of ‘Secret Ad Manager’ business, we talk about getting visible and the content you can create to get out there and get seen…   There are clients wishing they had someone just like you on their side, so there's no point being the best kept secret!   Carrie shares her potent content strategy and branding expertise, plus what might be the easiest way to get 10 short form video concepts created and edited for you!   Grab your notepad because this is an episode that will 110% inspire you to easily create content around managing ads for your ideal clients and get traction with being visible on video without any of the overwhelm!   Here are some of the key highlights: [00:02:07] The type of content that never fails to connect with your ideal client [00:03:23] Three things your brand needs to help clients feel seen and heard [00:04:08] Five content pillars that solidify connection and humanise your brand [00:09:00] Carrie breaks down how to come up with a rally cry/manifesto that makes your ideal clients think ‘you get me’ [00:13:18] The power of color and what it communicates in branding [00:20:32] Content pieces you can create for your ads management business

Picture this: I’m looking all glam after a ladies social event. I’m camera ready…there’s no better time to do a video, right?!   I hit record and instead of rolling out high on the vibe, I was a living, breathing blooper reel!   Now I love a good blooper reel, but the truth is sometimes inspiration fizzles out like fireworks on a rainy Fourth of July.   That’s when you need my special guest Carrie Thomas-Omaur, visibility coach and brand alchemist in your corner!   In this third episode of the Getting Visible series of Online Confidential, where I take you behind the scenes of ‘Secret Ad Manager’ business, we talk about getting visible and the content you can create to get out there and get seen…   There are clients wishing they had someone just like you on their side, so there's no point being the best kept secret!   Carrie shares her potent content strategy and branding expertise, plus what might be the easiest way to get 10 short form video concepts created and edited for you!   Grab your notepad because this is an episode that will 110% inspire you to easily create content around managing ads for your ideal clients and get traction with being visible on video without any of the overwhelm!   Here are some of the key highlights: [00:02:07] The type of content that never fails to connect with your ideal client [00:03:23] Three things your brand needs to help clients feel seen and heard [00:04:08] Five content pillars that solidify connection and humanise your brand [00:09:00] Carrie breaks down how to come up with a rally cry/manifesto that makes your ideal clients think ‘you get me’ [00:13:18] The power of color and what it communicates in branding [00:20:32] Content pieces you can create for your ads management business