No two days are ever the same in ads management! 


One day you’re a high conversions ads genius but on another, you’re crying into your cocktail because low click-through rates tell you everyone’s left the dancefloor.


Some days you celebrate (and you should definitely celebrate!) but on most you roll up your sleeves to keep refining and testing until results roll in.


In this episode of Online Confidential, where I take you behind the scenes of ‘Secret Ad Manager’ business, my special guest Jodi Blank, certified Elite Ad Manager and copywriter, shares her journey of levelling up her ads management expertise.


Jodi spoke about stepping out of her comfort zone to network in real life and how that led to connecting with a dream client… 


The continuous learning that’s needed for skilled ads management…


Working with the right clients…


The power of community and so much more…!



Key Highlights

[00:01:30] How Elite helped Jodi take her ads management skills combined with her copywriting talent to the next level

[00:04:00] The day Jodi stepped out of her comfort zone to network in person and met a dream client with a 7-figure business!

[00:09:00] Key learnings about cold & warm audiences after working with a client moving to evergreen

[00:10:30] The one thing you must do with clients when ads aren’t working 

[00:14:30] What to consider when testing different elements of a campaign 

[00:19:00] The power of having a trusted community that can help you grow