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Do you hate failing?
Who doesn’t, right?

It’s disappointing and frustrating when things don’t work the way we wanted them too - plus, we all spent over a decade being programmed to believe that failure is really, really bad. 

I want to challenge you to shift your mindset towards failure. Instead of seeing it as a setback, view it as a necessary step forward. Being willing to fail, taking action quickly, and learning from both successes and failures are essential to achieving your business goals.

Failure isn't something to avoid; it's something that actually brings you closer to success.

On today’s episode of the Simple Online Business podcast, we’re talking failure. Specifically, the fact that failure has been part of the recipe every time my business has experienced BIG growth - and the fact that failure moves us closer to our goals, even though most people believe it means they are further away. 


The significance of embracing failure and the necessity of taking action in your online businessHow to overcome the fear of failure and tendency to overthink and plan excessivelyHow to learn from mistakes and take action quicklyWhy failure is a necessary part of the process of building a successful business

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