Welcome to Part Two of my series on traits of my most successful clients. 

I spend a lot of time thinking about my clients – where they are getting stuck, or where they still wanting to go – and how we can get them there faster. I also spend a lot of time thinking about my “BEST clients” –not specific clients, but actually a list of traits that I look for in my potential clients that will indicate to me that they will get results while we work together… and that I’ll love working with them.

This series came as a product of both of these exercises – reflecting on the clients who are really killing it, how I can inspire the ones who are still on their way, and attracting in the clients who will start working with me in 2020. 

This week, I’m sharing the second characteristic I see in my most successful clients: commitment!


Commitment is STRONGER THAN FEAR Testing + honing your sales best practices 

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