Previous Episode: EP 252: Ask Samantha
Next Episode: EP 254: The Last Episode

To round out the year, and the end of this podcast, I wanted to bring back a crowd favorite as special guest, Brenna, to the show to talk about lessons learned in 2022.

I was telling Brenna, before we started recording, that we know our lessons, we learned them. Theoretically, some people might think you don’t need to plan for a podcast where you’re sharing and talking about lessons and experiences you’ve lived in your business, and how you grew from them.

However, when we were reflecting, we realized that the lessons that we have learned are the same lessons over and over and over again. Just in different ways. But even though we've learned the lesson, it's always within a different context, a different circumstance.

This week, we’ll chat about how the lessons that we've learned this year haven’t been mind- blowing, or an unlocked industry secret. Yet, they have been valuable and logical lessons that we are happy to share with you, the listeners! 

You’ll learn:

How when it comes to your business, there is no such thing as saying something too many timesWhy focusing on the thing that your clients/customers want, how is it actually the thing that they need, and how can deliver that to them, is how you will grow a businessHow it’s ok to rebrand and redirect your business as you grow into a more specific niche or clientele that you would like to serveWhy having or building a team for your business doesn’t necessarily mean that you are burnt out in your business

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Featured on today’s episode:

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