Previous Episode: Episode 250: Design 2023
Next Episode: EP 252: Ask Samantha

This week’s podcast episode is one of my favorite kinds of episodes. Mainly because you, the listeners, get to hear from actual students of Mama to CEO. You get to hear their stories, the ups and downs of their journey thus far. But most importantly, their wins and celebrations from being a part of this program.

Mama to CEO has had SO many amazing women go through the program, so my team and I really took the time to find four women that not only had relatable stories and journeys to share, but incredible wins after completing the Mama to CEO program.

On this week’s episode, you’ll learn first hand from four incredible clients, and business owners, how a program and community like Mama to CEO can be instrumental for growth. How it can not only allow you to challenge yourself as a business owner, but give you the support you need to be successful in your business.

Click on a client's name to learn more about them:
Olivia Day
Shannon South
Erin Harmon
Lindsay Law

You’ll learn:

How working with a business coach can help you to feel supported in all stages of your business.Why Mama to CEO gives you the tools to run your business with the right amount of emotions.How the networking  you make in Mama to CEO can support your business on different levels that you’d never expectWhy the program Mama to CEO, and the community, works with every kind of business owner, in every stage of their business

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Featured on today’s episode:.

It's not too late to join Design 2023! Sign up HERE and get immediate access to the replays in the Facebook group!Mama to CEO is OPEN for enrolment! Click HERE to join!Learn more about the Simple Scaling Mastermind HEREGet visible with my new FREE guide – 61 Ways to Get More Visible to Your Ideal Clients! Click HERE to download! Feel like you don’t have enough time to grow your business? Sign up for my Time Redesigned course HERE

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