I've been thinking a lot about how to support you on this topic. I know that it's brought up anxiety, uncertainty or just overall heaviness. So this week’s topic is all about recession and economy talk, and what it means, if it means anything for your business.

I personally feel that outside in the world there is just so much doom and gloom, stress, and anxiety. So you may not really have anybody in your life who is giving you different perspectives, different thoughts, and ways to think about it as an entrepreneur.

Guess what? As a business owner, you are going to feel anxiety often. Regardless if the economy is going amazingly, even if things are booming,you can still have low periods in your business. You can still have anxiety even if things are going amazing in your business.It feels terrible, but it is a normal part of having a business.

On this week’s episode, we’ll talk about how you need to have some awareness about how feelings that you have are not actual real situations that you have to deal with. More importantly, I will give you tangible ideas on how to effectively run a business through a recession. This is a real situation in the world, but the more facts you can have, and the less hype and hysteria you can feed it, the better. 

You’ll learn:

How to analyze and put into perspective the actual impact a recession would specifically have on your business.Why the key to thriving in a recession is responsiveness to the data of your business, and the needs of your potential customers.How differentiation during a recession is the key to success in a business.

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Featured on today’s episode:

Design 2023 is open for registration! Join Samantha for her annual free, 5-day business planning event! Click HERE to learn more!Enrollment is open for the Simple Scaling Mastermind until December 1st! Apply HERE!Interested in Mama to CEO? Learn more HERE! Get visible with my new FREE guide – 61 Ways to Get More Visible to Your Ideal Clients! Click HERE to download! Feel like you don’t have enough time to grow your business? Sign up for my Time Redesigned course HERE

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