Today’s episode is all about differentiation. 

In other words, when it comes down to it, differentiation in business happens when you start working with more people and attracting more people into your world. 

Dare to be different.

You have to cut out this mentality of not being “unique” enough in your business. Women especially have been brought up to think we have to blend in and not stand out. This way of thinking is trash!

On today’s episode of the Online Business Building Mamas podcast I talk all about differentiating yourself from the world and getting to where you want in your business. It’s the best way to stand out, to position yourself, and to attract your best people to you. I emphasize the importance of understanding who you are, why you started your business in the first place, and cutting out self micromanagement. Yes, believe it or not, this is a thing. 

You’ll learn:

How important it is to build your business the way YOU want to build it. Why differentiation is one of the key outcomes when it comes to scaling your business. How even with the best coaches/leaders in the game it is still so important to stay true to yourself, your beliefs and values as opposed to leaning into their direction 100% of the time.Why you absolutely must let them (your market) see more of who you are in your business and why this will lead to success. How being messy with implementation is a part of the growth cycle

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Featured on today’s episode:

Mark your calendar! Enrollment for the all new Simple Scaling Mastermind is OPEN until August 19th! Click HERE to apply!

Interested in Mama to CEO? Learn more HERE

Get visible with my new FREE guide – 61 Ways to Get More Visible to Your Ideal Clients! Click HERE to download! 

Feel like you don’t have enough time to grow your business? Sign up for my Time Redesigned course HERE

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