As mom business owners, summer break should be fun.. yet instead it can become a major hassle. Mainly because we have competing desires:

1. Make memories with my kids this summer


2. Keep building momentum with my business…

Here’s the deal - it doesn’t have to be either/or. It can be both! You can enjoy Summer 2022 without mom guilt OR losing momentum in your business. 

Tune in today to hear 5 amazing tips to help ease into summertime, and balance anything that gets thrown your way while soaking up the sun with the kiddos. 

You will get everything you need to walk into summer with confidence about your role as mom AND business owner. Super mama!

Believe it or not, balancing your business on summer break IS doable!

You’ll learn:

Why lowering your standards is actually your secret to success.  Why leaning towards simplicity is key to work life balance- where you can give yourself a little help to make things easier.  How building up self-compassion is pivotal in enjoying your summer break, and why you should treat yourself how you would your best friend. Why worrying about your business during family vacation doesn’t accomplish anything.  Why quality over quantity is so important. 

Featured on today’s episode:

Want to grow your business this summer but don’t know how? Build momentum in your business without sacrificing a summer of memory making with your kids. Come join me and hundreds of other mamas who want the Summer of BOTH. REGISTER NOW for my FREE Live Event, held June 6th-9th.

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