Masterminds have become a huge trend and buzzword in the online business community - and for good reason!

Masterminds push people out of their comfort zone. They challenge us to reframe how our brains are wired, normalize growth, and allow us to achieve things we NEVER thought possible in our business.

On this week’s episode of the Online Business Building Mamas podcast, I’m talking about the benefits of joining a mastermind, when to join one, how to think about investing large amounts, and my personal thought process and experience as a member of a high ticket mastermind myself.

In today’s episode, you’ll learn:

How to set yourself up for success within a high ticket mastermind How joining a mastermind pushes you out of your comfort zone - and into massive growth fast Why spending and investing are NOT the same thing, and why all business owners must know the difference How to know if you and your business are ready for a high ticket mastermind Why masterminds are the BEST possible place to scale your business

Applications for the Simple Scaling Mastermind open August 23-27. I can’t wait to see you in there!

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Featured on today’s episode:

Applications for the next round of the Simple Scaling Mastermind open August 23-27. 

Click here for more information and to join our waitlist.

Feel like you don’t have enough time to grow your business? Sign up for my brand new Time Redesigned course HERE

Episode #180: How To Be Successful In A Group Coaching Program with Gretta Scholten 

Hang out with me on Instagram @samanthahms

Text us and let us know what you thought of the episode

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See how to work with me HERE