Thinking new thoughts is how you create new results. But, when most of us go to implement new thoughts, we think there are “right thoughts” or “good thoughts” - and we tend to choose ones that sound like the right answer. 

What I’ve noticed is that even with lots and lots of mindset work, sometimes people are still stuck, and not seeing a shift in themselves or their businesses. 

On today’s episode of the Online Business Building Mamas podcast, I’m explaining why. I break down the self-coaching model to explain the connection between our thoughts and our results, and share a helpful tool that you can use, starting right now, to determine what thoughts or beliefs will actually be useful to you in your life and business.

On today’s episode, you’ll learn:

What the self-coaching model actually is, and how to use it to reach your goals  Why shifting your thoughts about building your business will change your results How to know if the thought you are choosing is a useful thought that leads to action Why lack of trust in ourselves doesn’t have to be a roadblock to consistency in our business

Featured on today’s episode:

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Click here to listen to Episode #116: Making Room in Your Business

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