Recently a friend of mine noticed that a competitor bought one of her digital products - it got us talking about the idea of “funnel hacking” - where you sign up for a competitor’s marketing/sales funnel to see how they do things, copy it, and in theory, avoid the learning curve. 

Lots of coaches and business experts online recommend this technique. I don’t. And I actually have strong opinions about it, and how it can actually slow your business down instead of helping you succeed faster.

On this week’s episode of the Online Business Building Mamas podcast, I dive into the concept of funnel hacking, three reasons why I think it’s a bad idea for your business, and explain what to do instead to reach success in your business as quickly as possible - while not looking at your competitors AT ALL.

On today’s episode, you’ll learn:

What funnel hacking is, why most of us have thought about doing it, and why we shouldn’t Why you should NEVER invest in programs that encourage modeling your business after another Why focusing on your competitors is actually a guaranteed way to slow you down The fastest way to discover what works for your unique business

Featured on today’s episode:

Ready to start signing clients? I can help. Join Mama to CEO today. 

Feel like you don’t have enough time to grow your business? Sign up for my brand new Time Redesigned course HERE

Applications for the next round of the Simple Scaling Mastermind open this August. Click here for more information.

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