When I first started my business, I looked to uber successful personal development gurus for guidance on online marketing strategy. If it’s working SO well for them, it’ll work for me, right?


Trying to replicate the success of multi-million dollar businesses does not work when your main audience consists of a few clients, your mom, your besties, and some social media “friends” you haven’t spoken to in a decade (your old English professor is probably not your ideal client).

It took me some time and a lot of consistent effort to get to a place where I had built a warm audience that converted consistently through my online marketing efforts.

So today on the Online Business Building Mamas podcast, I’ll share with you exactly what I did to build my online following, including the mindset work I had to do to overcome some self-doubt sabotage and just how long it took to get a steady stream of converting clients.

And, I’ll do it with my clients’ FAVORITE analogy. How is building an audience anything like microwave popcorn? Listen now to find out.

On today’s episode, you’ll learn:

How I built an online following that turned into converting clients - and how long it took to get there A mind-blowing analogy for understanding why consistent effort is key to building an audience How to know if your online marketing strategy is actually working How to escape the self-doubt cycle that slows down (or stops!) your momentum

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