When I started my business, I was an under-investor. I believed I could be frugal and avoid what I considered to be unnecessary expenses. Why would I want to risk my hard-earned money without the guarantee of earning it all back? 

A few years later, I had a major mindset shift that completely changed the way I viewed investing in my business. 

Since that time, I’ve made back all of the money I’ve invested (over $100k in 2020 alone!) multiple times over and learned A LOT about investing along the way. 

Today on the Online Business Building Mamas podcast, I’ll share with you the mental shift that helped me go from resisting investments to investing aggressively in my business. I’ll also teach you how to choose your investments wisely, and why investing financially in your business isn’t as risky as you may think.

Thinking about investing in your business, but aren’t sure where to start? This episode is for you!

On this episode, you’ll learn:

The distinction between spending and investing - and why knowing the difference is a TOTAL game changer My number one investment recommendation for ANY business owner Why resisting investment is NOT saving you money in the long-run The three big questions you MUST ask yourself when deciding to invest 

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