Today, I’m inviting you to apply for the next round of Simple Scaling Mastermind.

Are you making consistent income with your business and wondering what’s next? The answer is Simple Scaling Mastermind. In Simple Scaling, I help you make the crucial shifts in your business that allow you to scale to $250k, $500k, $1mil and beyond. We only enroll twice a year, and our next enrollment period is August 23-27. 

This episode, you will learn: 

Who the Simple Scaling Mastermind is for - and if it is the right next step for you! When the next round starts with details about the LIVE kickoff event What you’ll get when you join the program, including a breakdown of both the 1:1 and group coaching, our incredible community of women business owners, and the program workbooks What you can do, right now, to prepare for open enrollment

Click here for more information, to join the waitlist, and to get some free journal prompts to help you decide if you are ready to scale.

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See how to work with me HERE