On this edition of Business & UX Story, Divanshu is joined by Akhil Aryan. Akhil is the co-founder of Ion Energy, one of the most exciting young companies in the electric space. Ion aims to supplement the electric revolution which is currently taking place by enhancing the user experience at every turn, through their unique energy solutions. These include, smarter batteries, driven by smarter battery management solutions, making renewable energy, more intelligent. Akhil is an environmentalist at heart, and is harnessing excellent UI/UX design to ease the human race’s transition into the era of electric. Akhil fascinatingly likens the process of UI/UX design, to environmental sustainability, wherein the end goal cannot be possible without every facet of the journey being optimized individually first. We discuss how Ion’s two major products, Maxwell and Altergo bookend the UX of utilizing an electric product in any capacity, with one being an electric storage system, required to harness energy effectively, and the other being an analytics platform, crucial to the long term health of the aforementioned systems. These combined allows batteries to be far more efficient, effectively driving down their total cost, ushering in a new era of energy.To hear all about the design, and physical impact of Ion Energy, Akhil’s journey so far, and the future of electric mobility, tune in to this edition of Business & UX Story.